Rainer Maria Rilke wrote in his Letters to a Young Poet, “People have, with the help of so many conventions, resolved everything the easy way, on the easiest side of easy. But it is clear that we must embrace struggle. Every living thing conforms to it. Everything in nature grows and struggles in its own way, establishing its own identity, insisting on it at all cost, against all resistance. We can be sure of very little, but the need to court struggle is a surety that will not leave us…The fact that something is difficult must be one more reason to do it.”1
Embrace the struggle.
Herein lies the wrestling of my heart and mind. I want easy answers – “the easiest side of easy” – answers. I want everything and everyone to tie it up in a pretty bow with all the sunshine and rainbows one could offer. And yet, struggle is more like a muddy, mosh pit. Where we come out dirty, bruised and exhausted.
I have been moshing these last few weeks. I have been asking the questions that challenge me and yet, find few who are willing to engage in an honest, calm and kind discussion. It seems we are far more adept at mud throwing and body slamming than we are to actually seek a path between two realities. What I am realizing is that truth is often woven deeper than we will find in simply talking and yet is often the place we have to begin.
Words, though powerful, have little power to truly change anyone. Change happens in the heart. When truth lands in the deep places it is far more likely to be lived in an outward expression. In his Sermon on the Mount discourse Christ said, “What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Much of what I have borne witness to these last few weeks has been more like a sewage dump than anything that resembles truth or love. And while truth and love seem to be what we are seeking, we are lost in our own nuanced definitions of what both are.
Could it be that truth and love are tightly bound together? Rilke in his letter went on to say, “To love is also good, for love is difficult. For one human being to love another is perhaps the most difficult task of all, the epitome, the ultimate test. It is that striving for which all other striving is merely preparation.”2 A difficult task – the ultimate test – is to not only speak truth in love but to also demonstrate it in actual acts of affection and care. Truth and love cannot be separated.
Love requires effort and yet, it seems we are a lazy people and choose to live in our assumptions and suppositions of others. Truths spoken from here are half-truths at best severed from love because love recognizes it is not enough to live in our own conclusions. Love welcomes the invitation to be uncomfortable, to be challenged and to walk away at times bruised from it.
Love is sacrificial and at times painful. Often, love costs us something if not everything. Agape love is the fullest expression of love Jesus says we are to have for one another and especially for our enemies. Agape love is demonstrative always showing itself by what it does. It is God’s love for us made manifest in our ability to love unconditionally another. Our expression of love should call one another higher, deeper, wider and longer into the love of God. Sometimes this will be painful, shaking and unsettling but true when it is offered as a plumb line – a vertical guide from God through us to another.
What I have been witness to lately, is far more self-expressions of love – demeaning, demanding and degrading –toward another and most virulent toward a perceived enemy. Words have flailed from lips and keyboards offering nothing but condescension and shame falsely wrapped in a bow of “christian-ese.” Fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control – are not found here. What is spoken is done in angry passion – rightly initiated but wrongly expressed. Consider these words from Galatians 6:1: “Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.” I have seen many become a version of the very thing they fight against.
If what fuels our impetus to speak is driven by our need to point out the errors and sin in another we must be very careful on how it is expressed. Matthew Henry expounds on this verse in Galatians: “The manner wherein this is to be done: With the spirit of meekness; not in wrath and passion, as those who triumph in a brother’s falls, but with meekness, as those who rather mourn for them. Many needful reproofs lose their efficacy by being given in wrath; but when they are managed with calmness and tenderness, and appear to proceed from sincere affection and concern for the welfare of those to whom they are given, they are likely to make a due impression.”3
If our message of truth and love is to be a worthy one bearing the banner of Christ, it must be spoken and demonstrated with great care. It must bear none of us and all of Christ. It should be given in a spirit of conviction not condemnation with the full intent to draw one back to the heart of God. Conviction brings clarity, is loving and offers hope. Condemnation brings shame, is hateful and offers no hope. We are a people who are not to remain silent in the midst of sin but rather, we are to speak up for truth and love and speak with the same.
For as much as we want to be warriors for truth and love we must at the same time remain vessels of truth and love.
1,2 Rilke, Rainer Maria Letters to a Young Poet
3 Henry, Matthew Commentary on Galatians 6 by Matthew Henry