Christmas Forever Changed


Today I was reading a devotional and this pricked at my heart…

“Do not allow Christmas to be defined by your disappointment but allow your disappointment to be forever changed because of Christmas.”  **

While the sparkle and lights of Christmas often do well to hide the disappointment in our hearts, I think it is safe to say that many of us have that place where the colorful twinkle and the best of gifts cannot take away the emptiness left by disappointment. 

Loved ones gone.  Dreams forgotten.  Hopes dashed. 

We long to distract our focus from our hearts that heave heavy and echo empty.  So, we fill with our moments with fluff and tinsel.  We pretend that the empty rattle is nothing more than a jingle of a holiday bell.  In doing so, we foolishly believe that our distractions hide the hollow in our heart. 

God, however, knows we need more.  He longs for us sit quietly in His presence and acknowledge the disappointment. 

Release comes in the recognizing and the admitting we are disappointed.  Yet, we hold tightly to the emptiness.  So tight, we can’t even grasp the fullness He wants to give. 

Do we fear that God will be angry with our empty?  Frustrated with our broken?  He designed and knit our existence.  His purpose is the one that defines our lives.  Disappointment wasn’t His intention but it became our portion when flesh broke free and ate of an apple.

But God never leaves us where our brokenness seeks to hide.

On one ordinary day, flesh moved and life breathed in a feeding trough of a stable.  Grace was born in a world so wanting.  The very first gift on the very first Christmas – so small yet full – still labors to be born in our hearts today.

I challenge you – as I challenge myself – lay aside the fluff and the tinsel.  Give voice to the empty echo and let it go.  The Christ Child born that day so long ago is our Immanuel today.  May our Christmas be forever changed by Christ. 


** Joy! To Your World-A Countdown to Christmas on Bible App YouVersion


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