A Springtime Prayer


The windows are open.  The birds are singing.  The sun is breaking through the budding tree limbs and the dewdrops that fell from the morning’s birth sparkle iridescent.  Spring is rising from the slumber of winter. 

Oh, how my whole being yearns for this time of year. 

While the necessity of winter’s dormancy is understood, its sleeping grayness wears heavy at the end.  When the early sprouts of spring break the ground, my heart rejoices for what is to come.

Most Gracious Father, you created heaven and earth – sun and moon – plant and animals.  You placed me in a time and a season for your glory.  My life’s breath comes from your lips.  This morning I rejoice in the new day.  As the dormancy of winter passes and my sleeping eyes awake to this new season, I seek your heart to follow.  May all that I think, say or do bring a smile to your face and glory to your name.  May I seek to be courageous enough to break those hard ground areas in my own life that have been long unattended.  Lord, till the soil of my heart so the seeds of your grace grow in and through me.  Thank you Father for reminders in creation that sing Truth into my heart – In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

6 thoughts on “A Springtime Prayer

  1. Lynn T

    I too spent some time this morning in conversation with God about the beauty of spring while listening to the birds through my open window. Oh how I too long for this time of the year – the awakening!!

  2. Lidia

    It’s been a while since I last visited. I scrolled down to read a few of your recent posts.

    It feels good to be reconnected.

    And yes, the heart must not forget the valuable lessons it has learned.

    Your pictures are beautiful. But the captions you have written, even more so.

    Happy spring, dear friend.


  3. Barbie

    I am so thankful I found your blog through the #fmfparty tonight! Your photos are beautiful and your words are such a blessing! Thank you!

    1. Denise Post author

      Thank you Barbie. Your words are so kind…I have followed your blog for awhile such refreshing I find there! Thanks for stopping by! Maybe one day I will get the hang of #FMFparty


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