A Night’s Surrender


It is a moment of surrender when I leave the cocoon of my bed to wrestle with a wide awake mind in the shadows of the night.  To give up the comfort of sweet slumber and lean into the darkness.  I search for purpose and reason for this rustling of heart and soul but searching doesn’t mean finding.  Tonight was one of those answerless nights.

It is a night when words echo back like a slumbering breath – when darkness obscures vision and my heart begs to see.  Yet, in this hollow moment my soul feels strangely warmed.  For even now when I feel most alone, His Presence beckons me to come.

Come into the darkness and reach for the hand of God.

 I entrust my spirit into Your hands.  You have redeemed me, O Eternal, God of faithfulness and truth.

Psalm 31:5 The Voice

1 thought on “A Night’s Surrender

  1. Jenn

    There are moments in life when the darkness of a situation seems to blanket the goodness and joy that is normally so visible for believers. I an grateful that in one of those moments He called you into the stillness and depths if the night. His night can blanket gloomy circumstances and quiet restless thoughts…awaking us anew and allowing the Spirit to bring dawn from within…birthing pure light that is untouched by situation or circumstance…a warming fire that rises from within and cannot be quenched as long as our hearts are yielded to it. Thank you for walking in the Spirit my friend…the warming fire within you brings comfort and light to others in the midst of the long night.


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